Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Entry #4: Coming to an End

Blogging may have been a new experience for many of us this semester. It was challenging at some points, but it also was enjoyable and a great way to express opinions on subjects that are important to us. I personally liked it because I got a chance to know my classmates better. I got insight into the types of things they think about in their free time as well as getting know everyone's personality a little bit.
I am a very expressive person, so I enjoyed sharing my thoughts with my peers. I also appreciated it when someone gave me feedback on my topics and opinions. It allowed me to reanalyze how I presented what I said, or it reinforced my ideas by providing points that I hadn't thought of myself. I definitely took this project seriously, because I have a personal blog where I write about similar things. It was only a little challenging to make the switch from a personal blog to a casual/professional blog and I think it was good for me to explore that because everyone should be able to write in more than one tone and voice.
With modern technology, I think many people were able to relate to this assignment because the internet has become a huge part of our society. I don't believe many of us were forced to step outside of our comfort zones with this project because a lot of students are used to sharing their ideas on social media networks. Although the tone and voice used for personal use may be much different on those websites, it was sharing opinions nonetheless and that is good enough for a base to start blogging. It's good to learn different forms of writing because it only helps strengthen our abilities for the future no matter what career path we choose for ourselves.
Overall, I really appreciate this assignment experience and I don't think it necessarily needs improvement. The topics were never too difficult to comprehend in order to write about them and we were always provided details and a good outline to get us started. I hope to have teachers in the future who also have projects similar to this.
I hope everyone enjoyed this project as much as I did, and thank you to everyone who has taken the time to stop by my blog!

1 comment:

  1. Amanda--I am glad you enjoyed the blog project and found value in it. You have some good content and ideas. Thanks for the feedback. Keep blogging!
