Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Entry #1: To Blog or Not to Blog?

 With all the crazy advanced technology the 21st century possess, people sometimes question the usefulness of new technological concepts. Take blogging, for example. While there are many, many bloggers out there, there is still a fair amount of individuals who don't understand the purpose. So what IS the point in blogging when someone could just read the newspaper or magazines? Well for one, blogs have a lot more freedom than newspapers and magazines allow. Blogs are easily accessible. Most people have computers with internet where they can easily get on blogging websites; free blogging websites, might I add. Bloggers can get their information out to hundreds, thousands - even millions - of people with a simple click of a button. Organizations may have blogs to reach out to people in need. There are advice blogs for when individuals have nowhere else to turn. Blogs can also be like diaries. Many blogging networks allow users to create private or password-protected blogs. Users can blow off steam and get their feelings out through blogging rather than a physical diary. This way, the writer's thoughts are completely private and there's no trace of a journal for others to invade.
Daniel Nahabedian
After doing some research, I have discovered a few blogs that I'd like to share my opinion about. First off, I found Canvas of Light which is a photography blog. I love photography, and I really enjoyed viewing Daniel Nahabedian's work. He took pictures in France, Spain, Thailand, and other interesting places. All his photos make me feel like I'm the one behind the camera. It feels personal to me. When I see such amazing art work, it inspires me to further my photography skills.
Craig Harris
Another blog I enjoyed is The Stroppy Sausage. This is a personal blog by Craig Harris, full of humor, as you can tell by the fact that the writer refers to himself as a sausage. I like the voice that he brings to his writing. It's very friendly and easy to become interested in his topics. One thing I particularly enjoyed was 'The List'. This list consists of things that the author hates. If I were writing a personal blog, I may pick up some of his humor or casualness for my own use.
Now, not every blog is going to be appealing. I did encounter blogs I didn't care for. One of those blogs was Unbrave Girl. I saw this blog because it won an award for the 'Best Tokyo Blog.' Once I visited the page, I saw nothing of Tokyo. Trying to uncover some information about the author, I clicked on 'About' and it was basically a broken link. This happened for other links as well, so I became frustrated and left the page. When I later revisited it, the links were working fine, but other than the fact that the author, Sally, lived in Japan, I don't understand why it won its award. The theme didn't seem to fit in my opinion.

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